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"The thing that makes [In case I make it] great is his willingness to look at the prettiest and ugliest parts of himself and write about them... it's impossible not to feel connected to it." 


-Prelude Press [READ MORE]

"...without a doubt, my album of the year so far. There are very few songwriters as accomplished... it's frankly shocking that his music isn 't more widely celebrated it."


- York Calling [READ MORE]

"Wood is the genuine article... grand artistry and authenticity... a soaring symphonic powerhouse... an unexpectedly profound experience... straight from the heart without the need of an artistic filter between us and the man himself."


"Endlessly creative and throught-provoking... gorgeous... always awe-inspiring, feel more like fully realized works of art rather than songs and videos."


Clout Magazine [READ MORE]

"Unique, unmistakable oddball charm that makes his music both original, unique, and certainly nonconformist. ...Exceptional..."



"Chamber pop diamond... A skilled composer/arranger on this stirring blend of strings, keys, syncopated percussion, and intricately finger-picked guitar..."


- Glide Magazine [READ MORE] 

"A beautiful trip... [Wood] follows where ever his fertile fluid artistic feelings take him delving into divergent sides of folk, pop, jazz and experimental iterations of all those genres sometimes all at once with lyrics that turn and spin your brain... any description will fall short... Phenomenal."


- American Pancake [READ MORE]

Wood has reinvented himself and taken on the responsibility of expressing himself as honestly as he can in the hopes of reaching others who may be falling for poison traps.



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